Meet our Finance Officer, Emma Toland! Emma is part of our Finance Team in Florencecourt and has been with the company for over 7 years now!
How has your career progressed with Greentown?
I started off as Admin and the face and voice of the company (answering the phone) lol but have since progressed to part of the finance team and have successfully completed Computerised Accounts which the company supported me with.
What are your expert areas or skills, and why do you think those skills are important in the workplace?
Well… to put it correctly I feel I’m very “communicative” and “forthcoming” which are sometimes needed to get the job done, others might call it something else though lol.
What keeps you motivated in work?
Definitely my work colleagues and happy clients and also when Tony cooks his jumbo sausages (which he hasn’t done in a while) and James saves me some homemade pancakes.
What do you like most about your job/what do you find most rewarding?
The positive work culture in Greentown and I like the working relationship I have built with the clients, its rewarding to know they are happy with our service.
What is your favourite work memory or funny event?
The day the girls decided to go to Letterbreen to get ice-cream and nearly didn’t make it back… ill say no more..
What are your hobbies and interests?
Have recently had another baby so not much time for hobbies at the minute but wouldn’t have it any other way.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
A firewoman, think it was more the uniform lol.