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April marks the start of Stress Awareness Month. Stress can affect anyone at any time.
It is important that we try to do little things each day to de-stress and take time to relax, so we don’t become overwhelmed with the circumstances that may be surrounding us.
Stress can affect us in the following ways either at home our in the workplace:
– Cognitively
Memory problems, poor judgement, inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
– Emotionally
Frustration, aggressive, judgemental, depression, mood swings, irritability
– Physically
Frequent colds, teeth grinding, headaches & migraines, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, aches and pains
– Behaviorally
Loss of sense of humour, demotivated, loss of pride in appearance, increase intake in alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine to relax, isolating yourself from others, sleeping too little or too much
A few tips to reduce any stress you are experiencing include:
– Getting enough sleep
– Listening to music
– Learning to say ‘no’
– Physical activity
– Resting when you feel unwell
– Practice breathing techniques
– Talking to someone
It’s also important that we check in with our friends, family and colleagues to see how they are feeling and if they need any support. For more information on stress and how to manage it please visit